Opera Van Java (abbreviated OVJ) is a comedy show on television stations Indonesia, Trans 7. The idea of the show is a modern version of the puppet show. [1]
In OVJ, actors and actresses who fill in the event cue to improvise without a script to memorize before, with the guidance of a puppeteer. [1] [2]
The "puppet" played by a comedian, like Nunung, Azis Stuttering, Andre Taulany, and Sule. Parto mastermind played patriotic. [3] There is also the traditional music players equipped with the typical musical instruments of Java and sinden who sing pop songs. [A] guest stars are also often shown on each episode.
Play-act plays are usually about the story of the people of Indonesia are modified, the story of a famous person's career, fiction, ghost stories, stories from other countries, or stories of things that are popular.
Uniqueness OVJ is done with improvised jokes and relying mastermind guide, but always a mess because of the clowns definitely deviated from the outline that was read mastermind. If it's like that, the mastermind himself would intervene with the feeling annoyed at being ignored. He eventually joined up to the stage and watched the story, often interfere with or may even be mocked.
In OVJ, actors and actresses who fill in the event cue to improvise without a script to memorize before, with the guidance of a puppeteer. [1] [2]
The "puppet" played by a comedian, like Nunung, Azis Stuttering, Andre Taulany, and Sule. Parto mastermind played patriotic. [3] There is also the traditional music players equipped with the typical musical instruments of Java and sinden who sing pop songs. [A] guest stars are also often shown on each episode.
Play-act plays are usually about the story of the people of Indonesia are modified, the story of a famous person's career, fiction, ghost stories, stories from other countries, or stories of things that are popular.
Uniqueness OVJ is done with improvised jokes and relying mastermind guide, but always a mess because of the clowns definitely deviated from the outline that was read mastermind. If it's like that, the mastermind himself would intervene with the feeling annoyed at being ignored. He eventually joined up to the stage and watched the story, often interfere with or may even be mocked.
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