Senin, 10 Oktober 2011

Opera Van Java

Opera Van Java (abbreviated OVJ) is a comedy show on television stations Indonesia, Trans 7. The idea of ​​the show is a modern version of the puppet show. [1] In OVJ, actors and actresses who fill in the event cue to improvise without a script to memorize before, with the guidance of a puppeteer. [1] [2] The "puppet" played by a comedian, like Nunung, Azis Stuttering, Andre Taulany, and Sule. Parto mastermind played patriotic. [3] There is also the traditional music players equipped with the typical musical instruments of Java and sinden who sing pop songs. [A] guest stars are also often shown on each episode. Play-act plays...

Minggu, 09 Oktober 2011

Wayang wong

Wayang wong also known as Wayang orang (literally human wayang) is a type of classical Javanese dance theatrical performance with themes taken from episodes of Ramayana or Mahabharata. Ramayana wayang wong performance is routinely performed in Prambanan temple, Yogyakarta, while the episode Mahabharata performed routinely in Sriwedari park theatre in Surakarta city and in Bharata Wayang Orang theatre in Jakarta. While wayang gedog usually considered as cross variant of Wayang wong and Topeng dance, where the dancers wear mask. This theatrical performance that took the themes from the Panji cycles stories from the kingdom of Janggala,...


Ludruk is one of the theatrical genres in East Java. It is a form of traditional performance presented by a troupe of actors (or comedians) on a stage, re-telling the life stories of everyday people and their struggles. Its origin is unclear, but it is believed to be dated as far back as the 13th century.[1] The dialogue or monologue in ludruk are mostly comedic. The actors would almost always use the Surabaya dialect. Although, there would be the occasional guest stars from other areas, such as Jombang, Malang, Madura, Madiun, who each would use a different Javanese dialect. Despite the fact that many different dialects are employed in one performance, as a whole, they are simple and straightforward, making ludruk easily understood by everyone. It is occasionally interspersed...
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